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Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I agree with this because I agree with everything th84 ever says, because it avoids me having to think about anything and I'm usually intoxicated enough that I don't care how retarded he is.

AtomAnt I think it's fair to say your posts were getting increasingly incoherent when I last saw you. I don't really mind about that - so long as you're not being offensive then you are welcome to ride a crispy bike all over any forum that I read. I don't know if you posted something offensive but I doubt it - you mostly just post nonsensical garbage and I support your entitlement to do that.

Hang on though. Wasn't Lerts banned in the end? Maybe riding crispy bikes is explicitly against the rules?

What ever happened to Lerts?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
What am I doing NOW? RIGHT NOW? Uhhhh..
Showing a friend Forbin's videos! Hiccup!! HAPPY NEW YEAR'S!!!!!!!
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Have you thought of selling ad space on your imaginary tracks? Like hook up with some upstart that's looking for cheap advertising. You could sell
"bill boards" to offset the cost of development. Not to mention the amount of potential buyers of your title thru the ad clients spreading the word about finding their product ads on your title. And it would help add to the realism you seem to be afraid of losing with fantasy cars and tracks.
As far as licensed cars and tracks go. If the game is good enough, who cares?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from :Thanks for wasting read time on this complete bullshit posting. What the f* do I care that you Googled and came across some random video of some random game you dumb.

So you are on the internet, woohoo. What a story, tell the neighbors.

Of course you don't. And you're welcome. I'm so glad to have given you the opportunity to waste your time on something that won't lead to you having to shave your hand. Now go and play your game junior. Let the grownups talk now please.

uh the part about year models being used was actually serious. I dunno. Instead of going on and on about some chick car VW (was it supposed to have a flower vase too?) Just different year models would be cool.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
I googled some game called stock car earlier. The link took me to some racing video game site. I forgot about the game When I saw the reviewers. Who are these guys? Do they still live with their parents? My God! The 40 year old virgin ain't got nothing on these two. Oh well. At least they ain't dressed Like Spock and Kirk....
Anyways, When LFS 3 does finally get released, will it have a "then and now" version of the road cars. I imagine the 2003 RB-4 would look a little different than the 201? version.
This is useful information as I'll need something to do between bed pan changes at the retirement community my grand kids will be sticking me in once S3 comes out. I wonder if I can get a doctor to prescribe me the game for alzheimer's medicine so it gets paid off by medicare?
Merry Christmas.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Lotesdelere :

Yeah, mustangs are cool...
Uh I don't think you like the sound so much on the last link as you do the cars.
My brother had an 80-something 5.0. After he got through with it, that car sounded a lot like that too.
This is what he has now. Sorry I can't find a sound file for it

http://www.rodandcustommagazin ... undup_event/photo_24.html
Racer Y
S3 licensed
[QUOTE=Forbin;1763161]2006 Suzuki SV650S w/ 2004 GSX-R600 forks and front brakes
70HP and 380 lbs with a full tank

LOL Figures you'd ride a gixxer. My other bike is a 1400 intruder. Suzukis are the fastest rice burners. They rock! They can go from zero to the repair shop in 2 seconds. mine's going to be getting new head gaskets as the front cylinder leaks (84k miles, I put on 60) and I figure since that's a real pain to replace, I'll do a litle bit more I'm going to change the air intakes from the stock cleaner to modified K&M filters. and when my mechanic is cussing me while he has to take the frame apart to get the engine out, I'll be re finishing and re fabricating. I Kinda want to put springers on it, but I don't know if I want to replace that much performance for that much cool. Plus $$$.
Stock it only had 60 hp. I don't have a clue what the HP is on it pre leak, but the wheel would come up when I popped second and after 90 the needle on the speedo would start going all over the place. there's a pic of it on the forums in the bikes part.

Oh I got 45 something on the little So.City track with an rb-4 using mouse/auto. WHOO HOO! Man, I suck!
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Looking at the screenshots....
Are all the "trucks" COE semis? I looked it up and the screenshots really looked impressive. Could use a peterbuilt mod with a black T/A.
I read a few posts regarding FFB with this game. None of the tractors and big trucks I've driven had power steering. But compared to my car, which did, it was about the same amount of resistance. A little stiffer, but not by much. And the comments about how the wheel will break your arms if you try to hold it straight when the rig goes out of control.........
I never wrecked, but I did curb one once making a right hand turn and before the truck cleared the curb, the wheel sort a rubbed along side of it for a second or so. And even though I didn't get broken arms fighting it, the force of the tires going along the curb made resistance useless until the wheel cleared the curb.
I think you should hold ONTO the wheel, not HOLD it.
But to tell the truth, I don't know a thing about modern trucks or commercial vehicles. This was late 80's early 90's.

I want to download the demo. I don't want to deal with hooking up the wheel. I'm not quite sure where it is anyhow. I hope it works as good with the mouse as LFS does.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :At 95 HP and 700 lbs, I think not.

A few months ago some kid sittin like a frog on a hunk of plastic challenged me to a race. I said OK... 300 miles THAT way.
Little chicken$$@!!! wouildn't do it
uh.....115hp and closer to 800. bigger jets, better pipes...saddle bags...yada yada yada

What do you ride anyways? I've done a little....very little work with old school cafe racers lately. I'd love to get a CB 750 and rat it out. I'm just too damned old and fat for a sportbike.
Last edited by Racer Y, .
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :I pop into the forum once in a while. The last time I raced LFS seriously was 2008, and I may never be that serious about a video game ever again.

At this point, if I want to race, I'll do it for real in my preferred 2-wheel format.

I actually just got back from a cruise. Anyways I re installed it on this computer about 3 months ago. I fiddle with it here and there and come to the forums to stir up Racer X NZ.
heck, I don't even use the wheel when I do play anymore.
Sorry, but after spending between an hour and an hour and a half in gridlock each way to work, the LAST thing I want to do is play a racing game.

"At this point, if I want to race, I'll do it for real in my preferred 2-wheel format."
I converted to hardcore rider after gasoline shot to 4 bucks a gallon around 2006-7
I ride a Valkyrie. It out chromes a hog and outruns a crotch rocket

TO be honest though I am kinda thinking maybe something will come about soon. It's going to be 10 years. I guess I'll get S3 when it does come out,
I'll have grand kids (literally) by then.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from CSF :RacerX = banned surely, finally, so lets let this topic go down. Hopefully the fruit loop doesn't come back, though we've got many of them.

Awww... But I still wanna discuss this topic! There's just so much we can go on about this election. Like: Thank God the damned thing is finally over! I can go on for days about how good that is.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Dynamo 1, D.C. United 1

The Dynamo will play in yet another MLS Cup final.

Our other football team ain't doing to bad either.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :The advantage of being at the grandparent level is that you:

a; Only see them when you want to.
b; Give them back !
c; And the grandkid's think your awesome when you have them as you don't have the everyday s#!t to deal with them about.

It really is much better than parenting !

I won't find that out til April
Racer Y
S3 licensed
No NZ party is 'paid for' in the way that the US parties are, we have strict rules on how much can be spent, and we don't allow your 'super pac's' arrangements to get around the law.
a couple a years ago, I talked to a dude on skype that lives in a foreign country. We were talking about various stuff. THe subject of guns came up. His country outlawed them.
So I told him I could score one if I was there in less than a day. He said it was next to impossible. I said go look anyways. He got back to me a few minute...MINUTES of talking to people on the phone phone. His reply was a handgun for about $250 US.
Now. NOW If you think something like that could be accomplished in a little as few minutes in a country with gun restrictions, Then what makes you think that something like little restrictions like that impede any sort of influence peddling?
Hell, it probably helps cover it up more.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Currently our govt is National, ( centrist right ) act ( looney right ! ) Maori ( socialist left ) working with the greens and independents. Sounds wierd but actually works pretty well, with the odd blip !
Racer X..... I think you're problem is you only think of the right as being "looney"
Really? Just the right wing? Please.... The ONLY people that should be exempt in that little column are the independents. LOL and that being N.Z. are they indies because they're functionally illiterate????
Seriously, you come pretty close to hitting the nail on the head about the political parties. But don't be so narrow-minded. Just about any party from any spectrum is bought and paid for.
And from reading some of these posts, it should be pretty clear that politics has become a serious money game. Forget about agendas, constituencies, and even thinking of the long term effects of short term actions. How much money is in it for me? And will it cost me the election next term?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Sorta being new to "football", I think i still need a lot of lessons on the basics. about posing intelligent dialogue about this sport... Here goes:
There... was that right? I was throwing furniture while I typed it.

Seriously. Our team is really good. I still don't have a freaking clue to what's going on, but I'm leaning. Yeah yeah. I know they're probably only as good as y'alls special olympic teams, but I'll say this about them. They make up for the sucky baseball team we've gotten these last few years. ... to-advance-to-4018292.php ... r-astros-well-yes-it-can/

see what I mean?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
C"mon cousin. It's over. Obama won. You need to come up with conspiracies about the 2016 elections. I wonder if S3'll be out by then?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Actually I like it BETTER than Starcraft.
But that's personal preference.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Yeah it is.
RTS Games?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
I found a free RTS games that easily rivals C and C, Starcraft or AoE titles.
It has quite a few mods already. Some are really well made.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Democrats & Republicans the same?
Of course they are! They're crooks!
But I really don't understand Racer X's concern. He should REALLY be worried about how his own government acts. If our government tried to pull off some of the nanny state garbage his did, there'd be blood in the streets.
And yet he seems totally oblivious to this.
As far as our Political B.S. in the USofA goes...
It's a scary prospect of having a single party in control of Both Houses and the Executive branch, no matter which group of idiots it is.
And as far as Romney goes...This clown is a piece of work - ain't he?
All those lies about trickle down economics...
I got tired of being trickled down on economically.
Oh I managed to get by with previous republican administrations pushing that crap, Only it was due to illegitimate means. That nasty little war on drugs they created not only makes them money, but if you're desperate enough, so can you.
Then there's Obama. He just doesn't seem to realize that the American Psyche is much too individualistic for any of the typical liberal democrat ideals to work. Kinda lie trying to make a person use their other hand to do stuff.
And I think that really sums up the problems with this Presidential election. We have two candidates that are incredibly out of touch with the people as a whole.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Wow Dennis...
Illuminati? Really? I guess you know then that Bin Laden is still alive. He was rescued by the Knights Templar and now resides in Area 51 and heads the build a burger group..... He only blew up the trade centers so he could build a bus terminal for space aliens. But I wouldn't think you'd know that seeing how our special forces are using subliminal messages to hypnotize Western Europeans so we can sneak CIA agents into their homes to put monitoring chips in them. And you being a Western Euro type.... Don't get too close to microwave ovens.

Yeah, I hear all the time from you eurotypes how stupid we are. How much we pale in comparison compared to you folks and your grand delusion of social progressiveness. Yeah, we're just real lamers compared to y'all. But I'll hand it to you. Thanks to the EU, I learned a new word definition.
Austerity is what happens when the government gets the bills for all those grand social programs and realize that they can't afford to pay for it.
So instead of throwing rocks at us, maybe you ought to fix all the broken windows in your house.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Geesh! All the foreign folks know more about the politicians than we do?
I wonder if they know which person should I vote for Pct.5 county judge?
I dunno. Mrs. Obama's speech, as good as it was, tried to portray the President as one of the people. Unlike Romney, who she thinks is out of touch with the population.
To be honest, I haven't seen a Presidential Election where the candidates, BOTH candidates are so detached from the American people, I wonder if they're even human. And the Parties. Forget about greens and libertarians.
Libertarians are republicans that smoke pot and greens are democrats that don't take baths. There are really only two parties. And both are controlled by special interests. Romney, for example, came to Houston and picked up six million dollars in campaign funding. 6 million dollars. Hell that's more than what the job pays for two year terms. And what did that 6 million go to? Advertising. The dems are no better. Not by a long shot.

You know, Rappa Z has a valid point. Who do you think an elected official is going to pay more attention to? The 6 million voters? or the guy he's into for 6 million dollars?